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Monday, February 20, 2012
Set up a Linux box as a Transparent Malware Scanning Proxy
Thursday, February 2, 2012
My Review of Roku 2 XS Streaming Player
Adds an enhanced remote for playing games, plus extra connectivity options.
Device Has Potential
Pros: Easy to set up, High quality picture, Built in Wi-Fi, Easy to add content, Easy to use, Reliability, Compact
Cons: Bad privacy, Want more video choices, No You Tube
Best Uses: Secondary TV
Describe Yourself: Technophile, Home entertainment enthusiast, Power User, Movie buff
I like the fact that users can install custom applications and channels on the device. I also like the fact that individuals can develop independent content for the device without having to spend an arm and a leg or jump through licensing hoops. What I deeply dislike about the Roku is the fact that one has to supply payment information just to use the device even for free services.